Somewhat Important Note:

Due to the popularity of the blog, I receive numerous Facebook requests before potential snowstorms. Although I am flattered that you want to follow me on Facebook, I would ask that you not friend request me unless you know me in real life. It's nothing personal, I've just decided I don't want too many friends on Facebook.

Thanks, John

Monday, February 2, 2009

Lake Effect Snow Event

Expect 1-4" of snow by this time tomorrow night from a combo cold front / lake effect snow event. The snow will be convective based, meaning that when it falls, it will be heavy.

After that, expect two warm storms to give us mainly rain this weekend and early next week (maybe some freezing rain as well, but we'll look at that possibility as it gets closer) and then the next chance of a big daddy snowstorm around Valentine's Day as the pattern changes.


Anonymous said...

are we goin to have snowday skeet.jigga

Anonymous said...

Now, when you say big daddy, are we talking 6+ inches?

John Schlenner said...

Yes, big daddy is generally used to represent a snowstorm that will produce 6 or more inches of snow. It's still way far away, but that is our only possibility for a snowstorm in the next two weeks.