Somewhat Important Note:
Due to the popularity of the blog, I receive numerous Facebook requests before potential snowstorms. Although I am flattered that you want to follow me on Facebook, I would ask that you not friend request me unless you know me in real life. It's nothing personal, I've just decided I don't want too many friends on Facebook.
Thanks, John
May I suggest that next time you do a video, you get some webcam program that allows you to record whats on your computer screen (such as radar, models, etc)? That way you don't have to just stare at the camera awkwardly the whole time. :P
Other than that, great job on your forecast.
Good job John! The snow is starting to taper off where I'm at (east of Rochester) but the other things you said are definitely spot on. Hope college is treating you well.
Mr. Tighe
That is a good suggestion. It would have to be for free, and easy to use. But if there was a program like that I'd consider it. Otherwise, I'm fine just staring awkwardly into the camera...I'm not going for a TV meteorologist job in the future. But good suggestion, thanks for it.
you are an amazing person who just helped me to my parents exactly why im not having school tomorrow. your blog completes my life, thank you so much for doing this.
What a nice surprise - a video forecast - great job! I can't see LO not canceling school - it is crazy out there so I think your prediction is spot on. Thanks John - Michigan or bust on Friday!
There's a free version of webcam max at that has that ability and I've found it pretty easy to use.
The kids and I just watched the video together. So excited about your prediction. Have a safe trip back!
Great video - hope you stick with these forecasts, they're awesome!!
Excellent job on your video!! Very informative & greatly appreciated. :-) We are waiting with bated breath, hoping that your prediction comes true. YOU ROCK!!
P.S. Next video you might include a weather board in the background and a pointer. I am a new convert and a TOTAL fan!! Keep up the good work.
Thank you for the forcast John! This is my first time checking out your blog after hearing so much about your magical talent for predicting snowdays.
I'm super excited for cancelations tomorrow!
Just mone more suggestion to add to the video would to have some light backround music. I felt it is needed, other than that great video and very greatful you still do this even when out of state
Thanks man!,
John, you might wanta add some crazy 3D special effects to give that extra zip to your video, also maybe a fog machine, and some disco lights in the background!.. and I agree with the music comment! Maybe some light jazz! Elevator music type stuff! Nahh, I'm just joking, people were getting way to critical! Your AMAZING! Keep it up! All of LO looks to you!
Lake Orion should close in the early morning hours, like they always do. Brandon, Holly, Oxford, LO Baptist, and Good Shepherd Lutheran have all closed in our area.
I'll say anywhere from 4-5 a.m.
How cold does it have to be to cancel school? Will we get a 2nd day off?
it is so nasty cold outside right now. waldon and joslyn are sheets of ice. spin outs everywhere. im thinking a double snowday tomorrow. The temps are too low, and the salt wont make any progress on all the ice out there. DOUBLE SNOWDAY, FINGERS CROSSED!
John what is your prediction of a snowday tuesday the 14th? Love the website keep it coming!
It was deff. a double snowday :)
You are awesome! I will check your blog before future storms. Nice work.
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