Somewhat Important Note:

Due to the popularity of the blog, I receive numerous Facebook requests before potential snowstorms. Although I am flattered that you want to follow me on Facebook, I would ask that you not friend request me unless you know me in real life. It's nothing personal, I've just decided I don't want too many friends on Facebook.

Thanks, John

Thursday, February 18, 2010

Forecast Model Madness

To get an idea of the disagreement going on with this storm, take a look at the GFS (top image) versus the ECMWF (bottom image). The GFS is hundreds of miles south, and would result in nothing happening in SE Michigan, while the ECMWF's scenario has us getting a nice winter storm.

This disagreement likely will not be settled until this me when I say that I do not know what is going to happen with this storm yet. There's a chance for a storm, that's all I'll say for now.

Also FWIW I was busy tonight (Thursday Night) so no time for a new post. Basically, not much has changed, there is still large disagreement among the models. I'll have a longer post up by midnight tomorrow as long as there is still a chance that the storm will affect us.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The Feb 19 00Z NAM looks surprisingly in our favor for a snowstorm on Monday night. The only downside is that the freezing line is kinda close.